Since 1994, SafeFarms WA has developed and maintained strong partnerships and alliances with industry bodies, service providers and government agencies. We work closely with these organisations to ensure farmers have access to up-to-date information and resources to help them work towards compliance.
Leadership in Safety
SafeFarms WA has representation on the Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety's Agricultural Safety Advisory Committee (ASAC), chaired by the Commissioner of WorkSafe (WA).
Vice Chair Mike Norton is our representative on the Board of Farmsafe Australia to influence government policy and industry strategy.
Supporting the farmers of tomorrow
SafeFarms WA understands the importance of supporting the next generation of agriculture. We work with education providers to facilitate farm safety training including agricultural colleges, TAFEs, and universities. Funded by Muresk Institute, SafeFarms WA provided the training materials and 'train the trainer' upskilling, for the schools to deliver the Certificate II and Certificate III in Work Health and Safety.
Every year, SafeFarms WA provides sponsorship towards safety awards for two students from the five WA Agricultural Colleges and Esperance Senior High School.
Community Education
SafeFarms WA works with industry bodies, community organisations and government agencies to facilitate farm safety workshops and training – either virtually or face-to-face. We have worked with Grower Groups, Farm Consultants, Banks, Kidsafe WA, Accounting Firms, Paraplegic Benefit Fund, Agronomists, Women in Farming and the Community Resource Centre network. To find out how we can work with your organisation, contact us today.